Browsing All posts tagged under »psychiatry«

Ignorance is Bliss

February 28, 2011


La belle indifférence is a phrase sometimes encountered in psychiatry,  often associated with conversion disorder, used to describe a lack of appropriate concern for a physical symptom.  Now, I don’t speak French, but if you asked me to translate that literally, I’d give you “the beautiful indifference,” or “blissful ignorance.” Well, whatever the hell it […]

Great Quotes in Medicine | Sticks & Stones

February 13, 2011


A little over a month ago, we got a lecture on psychiatric emergencies.  The psychiatrist lecturing had given other talks, so I knew he had a bit of a mouth on him (and I’m convinced he gets away with it because of his charming Southern Drawl).  However, while telling us about agitated patients, he really […]

Great Quotes in Medicine | Throw the Book at ‘Em

January 21, 2011


I understand that not everything in medicine can be black & white (that would make me guilty of splitting).  Recently, though, during a group exercise, I asked a third year Psychiatry resident why none of our case diagnoses were consistent with DSM-IV TR criteria (= the Psychiatrist’s bible).  She replied: “There’s an ebb & flow […]

Great Quotes in Medicine | “A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.”

January 8, 2011


One of the last topics we’re “covering” before the boards is Psychiatry.  I find it very interesting, but doubt I could ever make a career of it. After just one week of lectures, my classmates and I have reached a consensus:  in order to be a Psychiatrist, one must fully appreciate the practice of cursing […]